Greetings from the deep South where the evenings are getting lighter, the weather is improving and I have even seen some crocuses poking through in the Governor's House garden! We have had some lovely days (as well as still getting a bit of snow and a lot of wind). Spring here means lots of lambs, the begining of the shearing season and the start of the trout fishing season. I have been very lucky to have Mark down here again (sad for me that he leaves again in three weeks or so) and we have been able to do some outdoor stuff with the good weather.
We tried our hand at spinning for trout with some great 'ones that got away stories' but no actual trout landed. I have caught a Mullet using hook and bait and Mark and I ate it for tea. But even if you don't catch anything the scenery is great and the weather can be lovely too.I have also started to go native and have acquired a firearms licence and a .22 rifle. Being 'tooled up' in this way assists our Upland Goose hunting efforts and increases the possibility of goose breast casseroled in red wine!I have got permission to go on Long Island Farm for a bit of the countryside pursuits. A very pretty farm by the sea.
We have also been allowed to go adventuring on a couple of quad bikes - these are seriously good pieces of kit with 4WD and Hi and Low ratios and 367cc engines. Lots of fun and capable of going almost anywhere.
We went up Mt Longdon where there is a memorial to a VC winner as well as a cross to remember all those who died there in the '82 conflict.
As with most places in the Falklands the scenery is stunning and the skies are crystal clear and beautiful.
In October Hengameh comes down for a flying visit and I can't wait - it will be good to catch up and show her new bits of the Falklands and new friends. next month there may be a few pics of Hengameh - just to prove she was here!
Anyway, down to the real business of the blog. Naming the hens. I have had some suggestions and some people have said they need better pictures before suggesting names. So below are pictures of both hens and the poll this month is to choose names - so please vote - your decision will seriously affect the future lives of my two ladies!
By for now, I hope you are all well and I look forward to hearing from you. Love Mark.