Saturday, 31 December 2011


Dear All,

It has been a very strange experience having Christmas in the summer down here and the weather has been lovely, warm and sunny most days. If you don't believe me ask Hengameh, Jade and Jimmy who were down here for a couple of weeks - to my great delight.

They arrived on the 12th December so the first thing we had to do was celebrate Jimmy's 16th birthday! Jim and I went quad biking, Jade made a cake for him and we went for a posh meal at the Malvina hotel. Jim took this all in his stride...
Jade helpfully decorated my chicken Ark in yellow and red. I am sure Attila and Dora are delighted with the colour scheme. Dora is a good layer but Attila seems to think it is ok to lay an egg once every ten days or so. Any suggestions to improve her performance are welcome. I am trying her on some spice mix which might give her the kick she needs!
Then came Christmas. We were invited to some friends of mine for Christmas day - John & Cherie Clifford. Cherie is from St Helena and they are generous and kind people. Cherie loves cooking and whenever they have people round she always provides a mountain of food.
Jimmy wore the Christmas present that Jade gave him - this was his favourite present. He also wore it when we were invited to pop in for drinks where the Governor was invited - the Governor seemed to take it all in his stride. Jade also got on well with the Governors two lads and had a good social life going out with them and some locals.

On Boxing Day and the day after there is horse racing in Stanley. We went both days for a few hours and bet on some horses. We won £10 on one race! There was one local horse owner and rider, Timmy Bonner who won most of the races he was in. He had taken Jade horse riding a few days earlier around Cape Pembroke - he's the chap in front with the red shirt.

The day before Hengameh, Jade and Jimmy left for the UK we managed to get out to Volunteer Point which is the home of the largest colony of King Penguins on the Falklands. It's a long drive mainly off road with mixed terrain including beaches, peat bogs and long grass but it was worth it to see the penguins.

Sadly they flew home on the 29th Dec so New Year feels a bit quiet without them. Back to work for me on the 3rd January so that will keep me occupied!
Happy new year to everyone and don't forget its always good to hear from you.