To console myself after Hengameh, Jade and Jim had left the Islands I decided to go and watch some of the sheep shearing competition that was being held. I must admit I was not expecting a high adrenalin, crowd rousing activity - but I was wrong. The speed the lads work with and the way they handled the sheep was very impressive and to imagine them doing that all day for weeks - I think I don't know what hard work is!
The girls worked just as hard sorting the fleeces out, removing any loose bits, soiled bits, knotty bits and rolling and baling the fleeces.
Also on new Years Day there is a raft race in Stanley Harbour. There were about ten entries and the military team won it (as they do most years) in a craft that looks a bit too professional to be in a raft race. Still credit to them they did put in a very fast time. We also had an entry from one of the members of the Legislative Assembly whose entry was a bath tub - last year it sank - this year it needed to be towed to the finish. A good event and a good turn out to watch it. Clearly it concludes with a BBQ at the Narrows Pub.
A few days later I had my Karate grading. This was something I had tried at Uni and then did with Jimmy when he was little and then I stopped. When I noticed that there was a Karate club in the islands I thought - why not - so joined. I am clearly the oldest person in the club and most of the members are under 14. So I did look a bit odd doing my stuff next to the little ones.
As partof the event there was also a fighting competition. My only appropriate opponenents were the two club black belts. Needless to say I lost - but I did manage to take a point off one of them - but got a sound hit on the head as my reward in the next bout.
Hengameh then persuaded me that I should come home for my birthday - I hadn't planned to come home quite so soon after they had visited but if I hadn't then I would not have seen them until April so took the opportunity. It was a lovely visit sandwiched between two long flights. I had a lovely week of seeing friends and famliy and good food and nice outings. Jade made a brilliant white chocolate birthday cake and Hengameh made profiteroles.
Thank you every one for your birthday wishes.
And to finish - a picture of a stunning Stanley sky! Happy New Year.