Its only been a couple of weeks or so since my last blog - but I do try to update it at the end of each month. Since I have arrived back to the Islands in mid November the cruise ship season is well and truly underway! I have put below a selection of pictures of some of the ships that have visited. Its quite strange when they do visit as the passengers all come ashore wearing the same jackets. So you have a swarm of yellow jackets or red jackets going around town, all taking photos of the same thing, then they disappear off on a tour to look at penguins or battlefields or whatever, and then back they come and go back to the ship.
Ships range in size from 150 or so passengers right up to 3-4000. It makes a huge difference to the town as you can imagine.They ask some strange questions like "where do we get the penguins from?" "Where is the shopping mall?" etc. But the locals make a lot of money from the tourists so we try to answer politely!
Below I also have put a picture I meant to post last time of a flock of gulls that were sitting on the road and all took off at the same time filling the sky with birds and getting plenty of poo on the car!
Anyway Christmas is coming- it feels strange as the evenings are light until gone 9pm and dawn breaks at around 4.30am ish (waking me up) so sleep is precious at the moment. Still plenty of sun, wind, more fishing (my trout tally is now 4) and the archery club is doing well - so all's good. More to the point the Lewis clan come to the Islands in a couple of weeks for Christmas so that's exciting!
That's all for now - take care and I'll post again next month. Love Mark.
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